Saturday, May 14, 2011

Woman's Vigine Bleeding

East wind west wind. 1000 paper cranes and Utopia Serrat

'm one to think that things do not happen porcasualidad. There is always a reason invaluable at a glance that the tiempoaflora. A few days ago I stumbled on Google with an image of the paper cranes and was mesmerized by his alegrecolorido but at the time was immersed in the search for another image APARTICULAR post and did not give the importance it deserved.

not easily remember my dreams. It is my granasignatura pending. But straining at the time of waking, to vecesrecuerdo an image, something to stretch if I stay quiet for a while yatenta. One morning this week I remembered the previous image lasgrullas paper. He saw the paper trail of many coloresmeciéndose with a gentle breeze in Nepal. It was a moment of my dream, unsueño that little by little I remember. It's nice to remember a dream because a notice of everything that is stored in the subconscious, which I can orchestrate tomaforma no. Obviously
looked back that image in this Internet history behind it. I thought sweet, hopeful, utopian at atime that sad. Then I thought of my "Wind from the east, winds deloeste "and frame it in my beloved Week Utopia

Unaantigua Japanese legend promises that anyone who makes a thousand cranes papelrecibirá a desire on the part of a crane and get a long life, the desire felicidado you want.
Recientementelas origami cranes became famous worldwide with the history of the niñaSadako Sasaki, a victim of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima during the Second Mundial.Superviviente War of the explosion, at the age of nine became ill with leukemia. Unaamiga reminded the tradition of origami and vowed to complete the cornfields to pray as I wish for healing for those affected and peace. PeroSadako he failed and died . His fellow clasecompletaron paper figures missing years after Hiroshima and raised a monument his memory inthe Peace Park, the epicenter of the explosion and a building that still remembers the tragedy enruinas. His touching story quickly hizofamosa in Japan and the West. Today thousands of paper cranes rest under elmonumento as a continuation of the dream of Sadako.

Elpais dawn I was again moved by its great capacity to regenerate, decreasing hope of holding on to detail the everyday to keep the faith ina same, to catch forces are not there to move forward until the last minute. Concentrate, think, work on something, focus attention, maintain the illusion are lasbases of any project or desire and build unabonita 1000 paper cranes to reaffirm a daily basis.


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