participate in the week of Utopia thrill for me. I remember the morning when I first read the post about it on Chez Morera. Project prayed word in its title and only with that word I fell in love. I thought it was a Utopia get carry to term but at the same time I thought "And why not? At like me excites me the idea, he can excite others. " natsnoC congratulate the initiative, as the project leader and could have made it a no Utopia. At the same time I congratulate the participants because we do not win anything, we only enjoy and participate to participate seems strange today. But somehow I've managed to be happily together 11 blogs this week by one word: utopia.
dreams, desires, aspirations come to mind with ease. At that moment the joy, I visualize, stroke them, the imagination alive. If you stay with me a while, a few days, if they persist as halos of light surround me, then write. That alone, I leave written in 1 or 2 magic words in my book of dreams to fulfill . There remain a safe place and my mind began to take shape slowly. Some of my wishes meet the definition of the word Utopia DRAE "Plan, a project .... it appears impossible at the time of its formulation " but I do not care too much that little detail, things are difficult or impossible at first glance, far from being discouraged, I am encouraged to invest more energy in get them.
Gradually many projects or dreams, just because of these concerns in my life and work a little in that direction, but others end up doing. The difficult, long-haul, as I label, are still there in my book writing dreams to fulfill without much progress.
The worst time of all to me, is when it comes time to discern, declare, choose, decide when a dream is so elusive that I am forced to catalog of Utopia, when I leave quietly in a second plane as a backdrop as an impossible dream as something that never come about as something that only existed in my mind or the minds of most people who have shared with me that dream impossible. Then comes the anger, the helplessness, the "And why not?" but gradually all the titanic effort aimed in that direction becomes impossible stillness, tranquility, light, relief, understanding , at rest and an inability to accept as part of life without resignation, one no longer needs to go faster than the wind towards a dream to go to enjoy the Utopia. Only then does the phrase actually already published in his day :
"Utopia is on the horizon.
I walk two steps, she is two steps away.
walk ten steps and the horizon runs ten steps further.
What is Utopia?
For that serve: to walk "
; ; Eduardo Galeano
Si las circunstancias cambian, si las condiciones son otras, si los parámetros a tener en cuenta varían, si el mundo evoluciona en otra dirección, si encuentro otro camino posible, si la vida me quiere hacer un regalo, tal vez en un futuro próximo o lejano alguna de esas Utopías se volverán realidad y conseguiré llegar a Ítaca y sentir en mi propia piel el poema de Cavafis.
(….) Ten siempre a Ítaca en tu mente
Llegar allí es tu destino.
Más no apresures nunca el viaje.
Better than last years
and dock, old man, on the island,
Rich you have gained on the way
without waiting for Ithaka to make you rich.
Ithaka gave you the marvelous journey.
Without her you would have set out.
But there is nothing left to give.
if you find her poor, Ithaka has not deceived you.
Wise as you have become, with so much experince,
will understand and what is meant by Ithaca.
; ; Kavafis
Chronicle Week Utopia
Here you have the link to the blog Chez Morera where at the end of it, updates and comments on direct happens in blogs registered in the week of Utopia . Be sure to visitarl o!
Here you have the link to the blog Chez Morera where at the end of it, updates and comments on direct happens in blogs registered in the week of Utopia . Be sure to visitarl o!
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