Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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Characters. Sir Ernest Shackleton to fulfill dreams

still "full steam ahead and all sails" Week Utopia . This time I take one of my usual sections dedicated to relevant people to talk about the exploits of Sir Ernest Shackletn that began a journey in search of Utopia: The South Pole

Elanuncio was published in 1914 by Sir Ernest Shackleton in periódicoThe Times to recruit to 55 sailors for the Endurance expedition

Men wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, severe cold, long months in complete darkness, constant danger, yescasas ability to return to life. Honors and recognition on success.

Recibió5000 applications. The aim was to reach the South Pole from two quepartirían ships would travel to Antarctica and the continent. But the trip nofue a bed of roses. The ship was traveling encalladoen Shackleton through the ice for two months ended hombresque cracking and 23 crew were forced to take refuge yse lifeboats in the inhospitable Elephant Island. Suffered polar winds, incessant rain and hardly any food, Shackleton decided to undertake a lamayores follies of history along with four men sailed on a boat desiete meters to over 1300 km of open sea, amid waves of more dequince meters, until he reached the island of South Georgia to pedirayuda. The story had a happy ending managed to rescue the rest of suscompañeros four months later, not one died in the two years that lasted laexpedición and his name was etched into the exciting world of losexploradores of the Earth.
Elsueño Shackleton was to reach the South Pole and heart failed. Erauna Utopia from the moment the announcement published in The Times.Sin however, has gone down in history for a feat that neither imagined. He is unejemplo commitment with his crew, with himself and with his dream. He faced great difficulties. Llegóel time he had to decide whether to go ahead with his dream oclasificarlo definitely a Utopia. Lasmo the circumstances were not appropriate environmental conditions not accompanied him. Heroicamenteahí left him, as a backdrop, something that could not come to get but, in spite of it, he tried. Transmitted this enthusiasm to 5000 people across ofa ad and its 23 crew on the cruise lolargo Why? Because he believed in himself and in his dream. Despite being a Utopia enjoyed starting and traveling in addition to getting the way ungran leave legacy behind him.

-Paper "Everyday Heroes" by Pilar Jericho. Editorial Planeta

Chronicle Week Utopia
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