Saturday, December 18, 2010

Custom Green Egg Tables

chicks were born !!!!! My wishlist

Ains, how exciting !!!!! Both were born yesterday. Less ugly than I expected. Excited girls are not taking off the glass. At first it was hard seeing her father cared for them very well and put up to protect and give warmth. But in a moment that I went out to catch them food bsucar them by themselves.
Once when Susan told me
- Mom! It is killing me!!
"Oh God" - I thought - "will have to live with the cruelty of the law of the jungle also Live. Well, part of the job, here we go with the explanation ..."
But no ... killing but he was not feeding. And it is that he puts the peak to near the stomach directly. It was amazing to see how he fed them. You could see perfectly as did the movements are vomiting in their child. Puffff, well read and fatal sounds disgusting, but it was not for nothing.
Too bad did not have video camera on hand to record it (and catch him just then, of course).
Well, we're delighted with our family all increased. And I continue to tell how it goes.


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