Saturday, April 9, 2011

Powerpoints De Travestis

change us

The other day labor issues unascuantas attended conferences that dealt with how to promote the integration of the current crisis laboraldentro. One of the talks was aimed at the valientesemprendedores and was curious as rapporteur at the very beginning one hundred Mileur fictitious offered the highest bidder. It was told attendees Envoz high achievable dream for that amount of money. The quehablaron was traveling, others to pay the mortgage, others left in the bank ymuchos start a business. I do not think that is a representative sampling because esevidente that the vast majority of people who were there felt latentación to dream big, to believe that utopias are possible, they dépenses can be masters of their time and their money. It respirabamotivación, energy, vitality, desire to conquer the world. I've been an entrepreneur, (aunqueahora am employed) once lived esasensación of vertigo when you have something in mind, get them to become reality and that is also profitable, but those were different times, economic times were debonair, wastage, to live without fear. Now just losadmiro, I admire those people who in the midst of uncertainty as to Yes believe themselves to believe that starting a business is a viable solution, I imagined yomisma again more than once but now sondistintos parameters, both personal and social . The environment is unpleasant but not generaconfianza and the base is believing in yourself, no money own demasiadolejos is not reached.
As I would do with a hundred thousand euros, is algoque I have it clear in recent years. Buy my time and create my Fundación.Una cultural foundation that I have fully designed and creadadentro of my mind. Layna Foundation would be his name. It would be a space with several rooms dondehabría book presentations, conferences or detemir current history, travel, writing courses, live music ... would unacafetería with comfortable chairs and books on the shelves that could cogery read while you stop to drink coffee or tea (or beer!), have led detertulia areas where they talk of traveling exhibitions, courses oconferencias. Yes, that's what I do. My foundation would mepermitiría Layna because luxury is not to think of " And dedónde get the money to maintain that infrastructure? o What would the people paraatraer Layna Foundation?
Because when you have enough money esasvariables cease to exist, the money becomes superfluous, it's just one more thing as the icing delpastel. Dreams are dreams and that dream Layna came to alfinal name has become the name of my beloved blog. For a start! All in all, think, imagine, dream, create and that I do it diariogracias to Sybila Layna. And you, what would you do with a hundred thousand euros?


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