Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Horsey Tshirts For Sale

[Alcoi] Day anti-prison. The business of prisons

Amadeu Casellas will give a talk about the business of prisons, framed in an anti-prison time. The next day, November 20, 2010, CNA (Anarchist Black Cross) Albacete and Alicante, with the support of the CNT of Alcoy, organized a conference on the business of prisons.
This day is spearheaded by the talk by Amadeu Casellas, former prisoner of the English State, which spent most of his life in prison. Today he is with us, free and strong enough to explain what happens in the so-called prisons, existing businesses more savage capitalism does not hesitate to seek labor cheap (or given away) where it is. For this system has only one thing, the benefit, human lives may be in this endeavor are to the state, "collateral damage."

The conference will be held in Alcoy, in the premises of the CNT, calle San Vicente Ferrer, 18, on November 20.

The program is as follows:

18:00 h Presentation day
18:15 h Round Table. Reporter: Amadeu Casellas

20:00 h Screening of the documentary "Prisoners of a democracy"
22:00 h Vegan Gazebo

All proceeds from the dinner will be, first, to cover the cost of the day, and secondly, to fight for anarchist prisoners in our jails.

Those who want to learn of the cars to go from Alicante and Alcoy around, to write to this address:

Those who think going from the District of Cartagena, to write to this other email to coordinate the movement:


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